Archives for category: Uncategorized

We had a hot hot hot hot job this week, I can handle hot jobs, I have thick skin, but this past week a regular client had to have a new mascot for an opening game, in the same week we had to finish Radio Bear D.J.

The yellow canary body was made in one day!! I have not worked that hard and long in a number of years. I didn’t bounce back as easily as I would have hoped, but I am pleased that I still have it.


My favorite sports team mascot turns out to be your favorite as well. Forbes lists Benny my Bull as the favorite. I am happy for him and I hope for years of success (as well as more costumes to be needed).

We have some exciting new creatures which will everyone will meet this fall urging their teams to victory, watch here for pictures of their progress.


English: The Chicago Bulls mascot, Benny, thro...

English: The Chicago Bulls mascot, Benny, throws the basketball to a crowd of fans who take turns tossing the ball into the basket on the other side of the gymnasium. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am busy creating some great outfits for fans to wear at the upcoming comic book convention. The  “Cock Knocker” is quite cute, but be very careful if you google that name like I did to see some images, even at my age I had to shriek and cover my eyes. Add the word costume or superhero to avoid that shocking sight. Mark Hammil played this character in the movie.

Dr. Mist is a powerful pharaoh type with really big buttons,  I am sure he will blind the participants with his shiny magic.


With opening day behind us (too bad cubbies…) I have lots of work doing maintenance on the baseball team mascots, the tampa yankees, and a texas Dragon. Even the faithful Childrens Elephant came in for her spring bath.
